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Parent Resources:


There are many FACT SHEETS available from the American Physical Therapy Association’s Pediatric Section that are appropriate for school based Physical Therapy.  Their website is:


Some of the FACT SHEETS that are being recommended are:


Physical Therapy for Educational Benefit

Providing Physical Therapy in Schools under IDEA 2004

The Role of School-based Physical Therapy: Successful Participation for All Students

School-Based Physical Therapy:  Conflicts Between Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Legal Requirements of State Practice Acts and Regulations

Resources on Fitness for Young Children is a website devoted to children’s health and development.  It has many resources and facts sheets on ways to help your child learn new skills, stay active, nutrition, and motivate your child to participate in gross motor activities.


University of Missouri Extension has issued MY ACTIVITY PYRAMID which explains that children should be physically active for 60 minutes every day.  There are categories for activities (i.e., every day activities, active/recreational activities, flexibility and strength, and inactivity), and suggestions to help you keep your child active and healthy.


KIDS IN ACTION is a brochure sponsored by the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports with guidelines for children birth to age 5.  The brochure presents physical activities for children in three age groups:  infants, toddlers, and preschoolers ( 3 - 5 years old).


FITNESS for KIDS:  GETTING YOUR CHILDREN OFF the COUCH is an article from the Mayo Clinic.  It includes recommendations for parents to encourage an active lifestyle in and with their children.  The article ends with additional links to websites and more resources.

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